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May 3, 2024: I’ve lived 10 minutes away from a Micro Center for the last 5 years… why has it taken me so long to go there??

Apr 28, 2024: I’m at the start of the Brooklyn Half Marathon! The pre-race nerves are always so intense.

Apr 23, 2024: and now I have two iPods… time to rebuild my music library!

Apr 12, 2024: The hard drive in these old iPods is so cute!

Mar 29, 2024: I decided to take the train up to my parents house instead of driving. The extra time is definitely worth not having to deal with traffic out of NYC!

Mar 18, 2024: What does “procrastinating heatwave monday evening” mean, Spotify? Stop calling me out like this!

Mar 14, 2024: It is far to easy to make vinyl stickers…

Mar 12, 2024: The best part of my job is getting the opportunity to walk the mechanical rooms of all these ridiculous buildings. Today I was in 30 Rock!

Mar 8, 2024: What a week! Glad to finally have some downtime.

Mar 4, 2024: Finished reading: Yumi and the Nightmare Painter by Brandon Sanderson 📚 Another great one! I think I’ll take a break from The Cosmere/Brandon …

Mar 4, 2024: I’m finally feeling on top of my workload since taking some time off in February. I’m excited to get back into my routine this week!

Feb 20, 2024: I had remembered the registry of motor vehicles as a stressful place with bureaucracy and tons of paperwork. When I renewed my registration today, it …

Feb 19, 2024: Automating My Now Page Part 1: Playing with REST APIs in Python One of my favorite parts of the IndieWeb is the now page—you can find mine here. A now page is where someone can list what they’re …

Feb 18, 2024: Finished reading: Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson 📚 Wow. What a great read! I really enjoyed reading a story in Hoid’s voice.

Feb 12, 2024: Currently reading: Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson 📚 We started listening to this over the weekend during a couple of 5+ hour drives. I …

Feb 8, 2024: Finished reading: Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson 📚

Feb 4, 2024: I just discovered NearbyWiki (via Recomendo). It’s really interesting to see everything in my neighborhood deemed important enough to have a Wikipedia …

Feb 3, 2024: My favorite part about Saturday is the enormous breakfast I eat after my long run 🥞

Jan 29, 2024: Finished reading: Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection by Brandon Sanderson 📚

Jan 26, 2024: I’m taking a training for a professional certification for my day job. Aside from the prospects for career advancement, I’m excited to have an excuse …

Jan 23, 2024: Currently reading: Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection by Brandon Sanderson 📚 I’m on a Brandon Sanderson kick right now, I think I’ll try …

Jan 21, 2024: My Goals for Q1 2024 For 2024, I’ve decided to break my year into quarters for goal-setting and planning purposes. This method is popularly described in The 12 Week …

Jan 20, 2024: Finished reading: Elantris by Brandon Sanderson 📚

Jan 19, 2024: I’ve decided to be extra about this D&D campaign and keep an in-character journal. My first entry was over 1,300 words… I can’t remember the last …

Jan 16, 2024: As much as like the idea of snow and real winter weather, it does make my morning runs quite a bit less enjoyable. I guess I’m training mental …

Jan 13, 2024: Currently reading: Elantris by Brandon Sanderson 📚

Jan 13, 2024: I wanted to get out of the apartment today, so I went to the Queens County Farm Museum. I imagine the farm really shines in the warmer months or …

Jan 8, 2024: I’ve been playing around with “side quests” as a way to add a bit of color to my weekly to-do’s. This week is “visit a local museum.” Thankfully I …

Jan 6, 2024: Finished reading: Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson 📚

Jan 3, 2024: Working on my character journal for the new campaign my friends are starting!

Jan 2, 2024: 📝 Writing never been a strength of mine and I’d like to work on that this year. I also want to have more of a public presence/record of my work. And …

Jan 2, 2024: Year in books for 2023 Here are the books I finished reading in 2023… kind of. I wasn’t very good about updating my bookshelf on last year. At the very least this …

Dec 21, 2023: Currently reading: Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson 📚

Dec 19, 2023: Making a character for a new Dungeons and Dragons campaign. I’m writing out a more detailed backstory and plan on keeping detailed notes this time. I …

Dec 15, 2023: We went to a winter lights display in Stockbridge tonight. It was chilly, but we found some hot cider and the lights were certainly worth it!

Dec 11, 2023: Cozy time.

Dec 9, 2023: A little later than usual, but we decorated the tree today!

Dec 6, 2023: Just about done assembling my new wardrobe! Now I can finally keep my clothing in my bedroom.

Dec 1, 2023: I’ve been playing with the Shortcuts app a lot lately, there are so many opportunities for automation!

Nov 21, 2023: One would think that a shorter week would entail less work than a regular week; but alas, it seems like this week has more! I’m very much looking …

Nov 16, 2023: We’re pondering the big questions this morning, i.e., “can I convince them to give me a third breakfast?”

Oct 19, 2023: After being stuck inside for the past week, I was finally able to get outside for a walk this morning. I’m feeling very fortunate to live in such a …

Aug 6, 2023: We made freezer jam today from cherries that we wouldn’t have had time to finish. It feels good to reduce food waste and make something delicious!

Jul 31, 2023: I’ve managed to keep a basil plant alive for nearly a month and a half now. What a rush! 🌱

Jul 18, 2023: After taking a week off due to illness, I was finally able to get back outside for a run! Hopefully the air quality stays good enough that I can keep …

Jun 23, 2023: 📺 Strange New Worlds may be my favorite new Star Trek. I’m a sucker for ensemble casts and episodic storytelling.

Apr 26, 2023: Small victory: managed to set up a GitHub Action to run the tests provided with each nand2tetris project and update a status badge in the README. Not …

Apr 25, 2023: I’m always a little surprised by how much better I sleep in the middle of nowhere vs. the middle of Queens. Although, I suppose it’s obvious that …

Mar 26, 2023: Managed to run another half marathon and grab a new personal record of 1:38:52! Feeling very exhausted. Time to take it easy for a few days.

Feb 28, 2023: Finished reading: Leviathan Falls by James S. A. Corey 📚 — I actually finished this last week. What a series! It’s been a while since I’ve finished a …

Feb 27, 2023: Making progress on my build of the Hadley 3D-printed telescope.

Feb 21, 2023: Now I need to find recipes to use up the quart of Korean BBQ sauce I have left over…

Feb 21, 2023: It’s disappointing when, after spending something like six hours spread out over two days, a recipe comes out looking nothing like the ridiculously …

Feb 12, 2023: Managed to kill a whole day in CAD working on the conceptual design for our future house. Still needs work, but I’m happy with the progress!

Feb 11, 2023: Made the trek out to Central Park for my long run this morning. I think I should make a habit of this!

Feb 10, 2023: Successfully rooted my robot vacuum and installed Valetudo. Goodbye sketchy cloud service, hello local control!

Feb 4, 2023: Finished reading: Babylon’s Ashes by James S. A. Corey 📚

Feb 3, 2023: I’m not saying it couldn’t be worse, but I am not looking forward to my run tomorrow morning.

Jan 31, 2023: Satellite Imagery with RTL-SDR and GOES 16 Receiving full disk images of the Earth from GOES 16 with an RTL-SDR and a 2.4 GHz Parabolic Grid Antenna 👋 Heads up! This article was originally …

Jan 30, 2023: Here’s a closeup of the screen — I can’t wait until this is functional.

Jan 30, 2023: Making progress on my Gaggiuino project. Baby steps here, but it feels great to see the screen and thermocouple working!

Jan 29, 2023: I need more houseplants in my life.

Jan 20, 2023: Keycaps finally came in — now to print a case!

Jan 18, 2023: I don’t need any more projects, but AllTheGearNoIdea’s Pi Pico Weather Station is certainly going on my someday/maybe list.

Jan 17, 2023: I haven’t touched my Prusa MK3S+ in a year or two, yet it starts up and makes perfect prints as if I had built it yesterday. It was an expensive …

Jan 14, 2023: I forgot how much I enjoy making bread when I have an actual kitchen in which to bake. One day!

Jan 6, 2023: After spending way too much time and having stayed up way too late, I think I may have the beginning of a website I can actually use!

Jan 6, 2023: Well, it’s fully functional as far as I can tell. Now all I have to do is wait for the keycaps to arrive… hopefully they ship soon!

Dec 29, 2022: Finished reading: Caliban’s War by James S. A. Corey 📚 Rereading the Expanse novels as a refresher before reading the final book. I’m enjoying the …

Dec 29, 2022: Airport runway names in the US change as Earths magnetic field shifts — not something I had ever thought about. Interesting! Source: NOAA via Hacker …

Dec 24, 2022: PCBs for my keyboard build (Sofle Choc) came in!

Dec 23, 2022: First step towards automating my espresso machine. Now I need to get myself some isopropyl alcohol to clean up all the flux.

Dec 15, 2022: My Pinecil soldering iron came in last night. Slowly migrating everything in my life over to USB C.

Nov 28, 2022: I’m very happy with my first embroidery so far, but oh my is it a time sink… I guess that’s what hobbies are for.

Nov 20, 2022: I ran my first half marathon today!

Nov 11, 2022: I just bought (most of) the parts to modify my espresso machine with a Gaggiuino. I’m looking forward to having another electronics project! Now to …